Smart Food Substitutions for Healthier Eating

Smart Food Substitutions for Healthier Eating

A few simple food substitutions (you may discover that you already stock these healthier alternatives in your store cupboard) can potentially up the health quotient of your daily recipes without compromising on flavour or altering your lifestyle much. Yet, every little tweak can make a positive difference. These are our favourite substitutions.

  • Avocado 

High in monounsaturated good fats, avocado is a great alternative to butter or mayonnaise in sandwiches (just the tiniest pinch of salt really enhances its flavour). Mashed or sliced avocado adds that delicious creaminess to your sandwich while giving it a boost to your heart.

  • Dark leafy greens

Kale, spinach and other similarly dark leafy greens can be used in place of iceberg lettuce and other vegetables that are low on vital nutrients. Add them in small proportions to up the nutritional value of salads. Another tip is to finely slice a green like kale and toss it into a Bolognese sauce or stew just before it’s done. Our families don’t even notice the difference!

  • Whole grains

We know that whole grains are higher in fiber, more nutritious, and better able to keep you feeling full throughout your day. Simply choose to buy whole wheat bread and pastas, and you’ll be adding more whole grains to your diet. In your homemade baked goods, replace some of the white processed flour with whole-wheat flour. Be aware that entirely replacing plain flour with whole-wheat flour may alter the texture of the finished product. However, using whole-wheat pastry flour instead of regular whole-wheat flour can help maintain the tender texture of cookies and biscuits.

  • Greek yoghurt

Squeeze a little lemon juice into natural, plain Greek yoghurt and serve it in place of sour cream or use it neat as an alternative to mayonnaise. This instantly reduces the fat content in your dish. 

  • Sweet potato

We love this neat little trick. Instead of thickening your soups with cream or milk, add in some mashed sweet potato. Apart from cutting out the unnecessary fat, using sweet potatoes adds loads of great nutrition to your comforting bowl of soup.

  • Apple sauce

Using apple sauce in place of butter when baking will reduce the saturated-fat content of your cakes and breads. It adds sweetness to recipes, but does so with significantly fewer calories than sugar. Dietary fiber in the apples is an added bonus! Start by replacing half the butter with applesauce. If you don't mind denser texture, then replace all the butter with it.