Rubies on the Vine

Rubies on the Vine

True to their name, this lusciously red beauty is picked only when it is fully ripe, meaning you get a tender, sweeter flavour.

Tomatoes can benefit your health in a number of ways. According to a Harvard Medical School review of 72 different studies, tomatoes contain lycopene which has been shown to help protect against prostrate, breast, lung, stomach, pancreatic, mouth, colon, and throat cancer. Tomatoes can also help beat heart disease. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women with the highest intake of tomato-based foods had a substantially reduced risk of heart disease.

To reap all the health benefits hidden within, opt for organically grown tomatoes. A recent study found that organic tomatoes had 79 percent more flavonoids than conventionally grown produce.

Add colour to your salads and sweetness to your pastas with these rubies. Vine tomatoes are now available at SuperNature Forum and online, at $15.00 per pack.