Biona Organic and Vegan Coconut Milk

Biona Organic and Vegan Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is an easy-to-use, sweet and creamy ingredient that forms the base of many Asian dishes. Its full coconut flavour can also be enjoyed in soups, smoothies and desserts. Biona's coconut milk comes from pressing coconut kernels (white flesh) of organically grown coconuts and collecting the juice within. The juice is a milky white colour and distinctively sweet. This is not the same as the coconut water, which is the clear liquid found inside the coconut upon opening it.

Try coconut milk in Thai and Indian cuisine as the sweet creamy flavour and consistency combine perfectly with so many Asian spices and herbs. It balances a cooling mellow flavour against hot, spicy ingredients. Coconut milk can also be used to flavour rice, custards and creams, cakes and batters. You might like to try this Braised Spiced Vegetable Curry with Chickpeas, Preserved Lemon & Quinoa, Dried Fruit and Nuts recipe for a delicious vegetarian/vegan meal.